With each year, trying organization Consumer Electronics Association to maintain the pulse emerging technology and provide the world with many of the new tools that aim to make life more comfortable, in 2013 the organization will include approximately 2000 companies to release many ways the new technology in the world and which were reviewed simplified time ago.
1) three-dimensional printers
Printers three-dimensional on the verge of going out to the public very soon (exited already some copies primitive) Analysts say these printers will provide three-dimensional graphics for jewelry, statues and portfolios cell phones, instead of drawing a particular thing more than once to reach the form the final, will go artists directly to the use of these printers and innovation what they like and then turn it into something tangible and realistic, and prices are expected to fall those machines shortly after it is released to exist in every home in the world.
2) the new generation of TVs
When it comes to new technology in TVs, The quality of the picture is all that occupies designers now, and analysts expect to see in 2013 issued devices that link quality to 4000 pixels, and there another team supports the use of technology OLED TV which is known for low power consumption also perform the same the purpose for which manufactured televisions Full HD, in the beginning people will not agree with these devices, but after seeing the quality and broad is everyone will know that the next TV no longer has a place in the future.
3) advanced audio system
Thanks in this technology to create a device iPod, where analysts say the technology allowed them to move them to more devices development systems provide voice has never preached that they saw or heard the likes of before, and will be available to all people or anyone willing to pay the equivalent of almost $ 300, this technology will provide quality sound comfortable and stunningly effective in all homes, without having to go to the cinema or building expensive sound system requires thousands of dollars.
4) the mobile phone revolution in Africa
Over twenty years ago, Africa was coming at the bottom with respect to technology mobile phones, in this context, "Bruce Krug", professor of electrical engineering and computer at Carnegie Mellon University, they are going to use social networks in Africa to connect humans with their friends and families in all place, and there are other essential uses such as helping farmers to know when the corn harvest, and knowledge of commercial exchanges, in short will be of interest to Africa in this area as do any other continent.
5) technology in U.S. classrooms
Students today they carry papers and CDs and a lot of things that gain entry to them in each semester, all of this will not become a presence in the near future, as will allow each student to have his way favored by, such as the existence of lectures and classes on the Internet, with the use of Social networks in this matter effectively and safely, and the only challenge facing scientists to apply this soon is the lack of adequate funding until this moment.
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