4G - Here It Comes !

Despite already being widespread across Germany and the US it finally appears that the UK will be dragged kicking and screaming into the realm of 4G that is expected to be with us in 2013. In fact Ofcom have announced that Everything Everywhere the owners of Orange and T-mobile have been given the go-ahead to use it's existing bandwidth to launch this new high calibre service to its customers, which could be available as early as September 6th this year, although a firm date has yet to be announced.
This is much to the annoyance of it's rival suppliers who are livid that Ofcom are allowing EE to gain this advantage in the market whilst they have to wait until next Spring for the Ofcom auction of the 4G Spectrum, and you can see why...
Recent figures from network provider Three stated that their contract customers were consuming 1.1GB of data per month compared to 450MB this time last year. With the demand for instant websites, social media and most significantly video 4G is no longer a luxury but a necessity.
But there is more, the biggest selling point is that Ofcom have made the provision of indoor mobile broadband coverage at 98% of the population by 2017 a condition of their bid tender. Households will no longer need the landlines and home broadband connection as a possibly faster and cheaper connection could be theirs through the 4G network.
So what will this mean to business?
Well, for starters the potential for your business online will be greatly increased, and if your business website is not already set up for mobile compatibility then you had better pull your socks up and get onto it.
Beyond the inevitable increase in general mobile traffic there is a great opportunity to take advantage of video, and through a specialist online video production house (link to businessweb.tv) your product, brand or service can make the visual impact that marketers have always dreamt of for their products.
Let's be honest, it is easy to get set in your ways, but this is not the time for that, rather this is the time to embrace the mobility of your business. Whether you create an App, produce a video or simply increase the communication with your customers! These don't have to cost the earth and can be created at relatively small costs, but they will need to be done to stay in the game, because the game is most definitely changing, and it's getting faster.
As a Digital Account Director at Stuart Hirst Ltd we have seen the rise of internet and its increasing dominance on business marketing and advertising. Despite being one of the oldest Advertising companies in the world we are still at the forefront of technologies and methodology but still love to just help our clients just sell.
